
What is Fleet Insurance?
Why go through the hassle of insuring each and every single one of your commercial vehicles separately, when you can instead get all the coverage you need under one fleet insurance policy?

Fireplace/Log-Burner Installers and Chimney Sweepers: How fit for purpose is your business insurance?
Assess the heat of your business policy.

What’s the Difference Between Employee and Public Liability Insurance?
They’re similar but there are differences.

Commercial, General Interest, Specialist
Thinking of starting a takeaway kitchen?
The pandemic expedited a ‘takeaway revolution’ and the ‘dark kitchen’. What are they, how do they run, who can start one, and how do you insure a business model so new it’s not yet catered for?

Insurance for renting a house: All you need to know
Advice for landlords or tenants.

What is Public Liability Insurance? (Full Guide)
What you need to know about going public.

Breaking down the Budget
We look back at the Autumn budget to see what the next year holds for your business.

Balance the books before the year is out!
It’s time to spruce up your bookkeeping and get your finances in order, ready to hit the new year running.