Why is everyone taking up running?

The surge in running’s popularity and its health benefits

If you’ve been wondering why everyone is seemingly donning Lycra and trainers recently and signing up for all kinds of road races and marathons, you’re not alone! Running has seen a remarkable increase in popularity in recent years, driven by a growing awareness of its numerous health benefits and its accessibility as a form of exercise.

This surge has been further amplified by the global pandemic, which pushed many of us to seek outdoor activities that allowed for social distancing while promoting physical and mental well-being.

Let’s explore some more of the benefits of running, and share some useful hints and tips if you’re looking to get started!

What are the benefits of running?

The recent rise in runners could be down to  several factors:

Accessibility: Running requires minimal equipment, making it an attractive option for people of all ages and fitness levels. All that’s needed is a pair of good running shoes and a safe route!

Mental health benefits: Running has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and boost overall mental health. And with increased stress and anxiety levels post-pandemic, and in a stressful modern world, many have turned to running as a way to manage their mental health.

You may hear people talk about a ‘runner’s high’ – and it’s very real feeling. Running can act as a natural antidepressant, triggering the release of endorphins. It reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety, improves sleep, and enhances overall cognitive function.

Physical health benefits: running is a highly effective cardiovascular exercise. It strengthens the heart, improves circulation, and helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.

Regular running burns calories efficiently, making it an excellent activity for weight loss and maintenance. It can boost your metabolism and help you maintain a healthy body weight. Running also engages various muscle groups, strengthening the legs, core, and even the upper body. It also increases bone density, which can prevent osteoporosis and other bone-related issues.

Community and social media: The running community has grown significantly online, with platforms like Strava, Tik Tok, Instagram, and Facebook groups fostering a sense of belonging and motivation. Virtual races and challenges also help keep  people engaged and connected.

Getting started with running

For those looking to start running, here are some tips to help make the journey enjoyable and sustainable. After all, any form of regular exercise needs to be something that makes you feel good in the long run!

Start slow: Begin with a combination of walking and running. Gradually increase the running intervals as your fitness improves. There are great programs to follow such as Couch to 5K to help you with this.

Howden Sevenoaks Branch Manager Jamie Bond at the London Marathon

Set realistic goals: Whether it’s running a certain distance, time, or completing a race, setting achievable goals can keep you motivated.

Stay consistent: Consistency is key. Aim for regular runs, even if they’re short. Consistency will build endurance and strength over time. Having an overall goal to work towards can help try booking a 5k or a 10k if you’re a new runner.

Listen to your body: Pay attention to any signs of injury or fatigue. Rest and recovery are just as important as the running itself. A good warm-up and cool-down routine is essential.

Find running friends: Exercise is always easier when you can meet up with other people, to help keep you motivated. Why not look for a local running group, or even attend your nearest Parkrun? 

The UK’s top marathons

With over half a million people entering the ballot for the London marathon next year only a small percentage of people have secured a place for the 2025 run. If you are one of the people who have missed out, then don’t worry! You could still enter one of these:

European runs

If trips abroad are more your thing,  and you like to wake up and go on a run on your holiday this may be for you! With marathons next year in Rome on the 16th March, Ibiza on 12th April, Paris on 13th April and Stockholm on  31st May – to name just  a few.

If this is your cup of tea, then Howden can help you find the right cover for your travels, so you can run with no worries!  

Our travel specialists are here to help, over the phone or in-person at our Farnham and Oxford branches, so you can get the right cover for your summer holidays. And if camping and cruising is more your style, we can also help protect your adventures.

Simply find your nearest local branch, and pop in or give the team a call.

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