Will we get a hot summer?

Surely it has to improve soon…

If you’ve been wondering why the weather in the UK has been so gloomy this July, you’re not alone! Instead of the sunny skies and warm temperatures many of us look forward to, we’ve been treated to a mix of rain, thunderstorms, and chilly winds – with the odd unpredictable scorching day thrown in for good measure. And with the school summer holidays fast approaching, many of us are wondering when the weather will actually get better.

So what’s been behind this unseasonably wet weather, and are there any chances of a hot summer on the horizon?  Let’s dive into what’s been going on and what we can expect in the coming days.

What’s behind this dreary weather?

Though we had a week of glorious sunshine at the end of June, so far it seems that was all we’re getting in terms of a hot summer! The Met Office recorded the average temperature for the first week of July as 12.9C – which is 2.4C below the month’s long-term average.

The main culprit behind the current weather woes is the jet stream. The stream of air high up in the atmosphere has flowed either across the UK or further south, allowing areas of low pressure to move. These systems are bringing a lot of moisture and cool air, leading to widespread rain and lower-than-average temperatures​. It’s a stark contrast to the hot end of June we experienced, where temperatures soared to 31°C in some parts.

And while the UK and north west Europe have been stuck with cooler and more changeable weather conditions, southern Europe has seen heatwaves and even wildfires on some of the Greek islands.

As we moved through July, the Met Office issued warnings about thunderstorms, heavy rain, and even hail in some areas​. Despite the rain, there were some sunny intervals, with temperatures peaking around 18-19°C. Still, it’s not exactly the glorious summer we’re all hoping for.

Will summer weather improve?

While the short-term forecast looks uninspiring, there is a silver – or indeed sunnier – lining! The Met Office’s long-range forecast suggests that we might see more settled and warmer weather during the school holidays, especially in the southeast​​. In fact, we’ve seen predictions of 25°C in some areas. However, the weather remains unpredictable, so it’s always good to stay prepared for any sudden changes.

There’s nothing quite like a British summer…

According to the Met Office’s long-range forecast, there’s a chance we could get higher temperatures in August. The forecast for the start of August reads: “Overall drier than average conditions are more likely than wetter than average. Temperatures are expected to vary through the period, but overall, warm is slightly favoured over cool.”

And don’t rule out a hot spell in September either, as that seems to have become the new normal in recent years!

Your picture-perfect summer

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Sources: Yahoo News, BBC, The Met Office.