This Christmas, we’re making it easier than ever for your little ones to share their wishes with Santa! Your child can send a letter directly to the North Pole, and we’ll make sure Santa knows exactly what they’re hoping for this year 😉 .
How to get involved:
- You can either download a ‘Letter to Santa’ template below, or pop into your local Howden branch to pick up a specially designed postcard.
- Get your child to write their letter to Santa.
- Stop by your local Howden branch and post your letter in our ‘North Pole mailbox’.
Get a personalised letter back from Santa

We’ve designed a downloadable template letter from Santa, which you can print off at home, stick in an envelope and pop it through your letterbox.
Simply add in your child’s name and in the second paragraph, add the present they included in their letter to Santa.
Click the links below to download, edit and print your letters.