Types of scams - A-Plan Insurance

General Interest

Why do scams work?

To support Citizen Advice’s Scam Awareness week, we run through some of the well-known ways scammers may try to target you.

Travel Chaos

General Interest, Travel

Why is the travel industry in chaos?

With over 2 years of ‘quiet’ for the travel industry, many are wondering how and why things have gone so horribly wrong when business should be booming.

Spirit of '63 with creator Dez Askill - A-Plan Insurance

General Interest

The Long Way Round for the Spirit of 63!

When it comes to insuring motorbikes and scooters, most people who own one would prefer to talk to someone who shares their passion. One of our clients did just that, insuring the ‘Spirit of 63’ and its colourful past, with A-Plan’s specialist motorcycle unit, Allstyles!